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2015-2-17 21:18:23| 发布者: admin| 查看:

摘要: 上虞市锦涛电子有限公司VDE认证

Approval no.: Company: Product: First types: RoHS
40013419 Shangyu Jintao Electron Flexible cable (cord) H03VVH2-F 2 x 0, 5...0, 75 mm², H05VVH2-F 2 x 0, 75...1, 0 mm², H03VV-F 2...4
40018106 Shangyu Jintao Electron Cord and flexible cable H05RR-F 2...3 x 0, 75...2, 5 mm², H05RN-F 2...3 x 0, 75...1, 0 mm², H07RN-F 2
40020021 Shangyu Jintao Electron Heat-resistant flexible cable (cord) H03V2V2H2-F 2 x 0, 5...0, 75 mm², H05V2V2-F 2...3 x 0, 75...1, 5 mm², H05V2V2H
40020667 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, without earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT001
40021286 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, with earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT003
40021698 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, without earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT002
40022244 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, with earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT003-B
40023424 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug connector, non-rewirable JT-SZ3
40023496 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, with earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT003-F
40023910 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, without earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT002-F
40025292 Shangyu Jintao Electron Connector, non-rewirable JT-ST3
40027440 Shangyu Jintao Electron Connector, non-rewirable JT-ST2B
40028718 Shangyu Jintao Electron Connector, non-rewirable JT-ST2
40032177 Shangyu Jintao Electron Cord and flexible cable H07RN-F 2...5 x 1, 0...4 mm², H05RR-F 2...3 x 0, 75...2, 5 mm², H05RN-F 2...3 x
40032850 Shangyu Jintao Electron Plug, without earthing contact, non-rewirable, moulded JT002-A
40033762 Shangyu Jintao Electron Non sheathed cable for fixed wiring H05V-K 1 x 0, 5...1, 0 mm², H07V-K 1 x 1, 5...2, 5 mm²
40033763 Shangyu Jintao Electron Single core non-sheathed cable for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90 °C H05V2-K 1 x 0, 5...1, 0 mm², H07V2-K 1 x 1, 5...2, 5 mm²


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